Cricket Problem : What’s the Result !?

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Commentary: Oh! we are witnessing the most exciting final ever. Just look at the score board mate! The crowd is going crazyyy at the Wankhede stadium. For now, We are having some discussion going on between captain and umpires and seems like they have been given a new ball for the last ball of the match.

 Fig. Scoreboard Situation

Commentary: Till the game resumes back, we show you the stats of the players as well as the info of the Wankhede stadium.

Striker :
  • Age : 26
  • Right handed batsman
  • Average : 25.5
  • Highest : 67(36)
  • Maximum effort chart: (‘v’ in m/s and ‘t’ in s)

                    – Nature of graph : Straight line

                                                                                  Fig. Maximum effort chart for Striker

Non – Striker :
  • Age : 27
  • Right handed batsman
  • Average : 23.2
  • Highest : 56(23)*
  • Maximum effort chart: (‘v’ in m/s and ‘t’ in s)

– Nature of graph : Parabolic  (It’s a curve involving some parabolas)

(This tells how a player runs between the wickets when he performs at his maximum potential and it’s a pre-recorded data)

                                                                                      Fig. Maximum Effort Chart for Non-Striker

                                                                                    Fig. Circular Shaped Wankhede Stadium

Commentary : Okay, So after a long wait, we are all ready for the play to begin !

What exactly happened?:

**The half portion of the ground (not containing the striker) is introduced with an magnetic field of upwards direction (seems as if it comes out of the ground) having magnitude 0.54 T (tesla)

                                                                                                 Fig. What exactly happened ?

Regarding the New Ball
  • Mass : 160 g
  • Charge : 164 mC
  • Colour : White

Commentary :  Man, I am just out of words…Just picth the ball towards the batsman, I can’t wait anymore.

 So, here we go Guys !….

Match Resumes !!…It’s the last ball now

Commentary : Oh, what a excellent toe crushing yorker just ahead of the stumps, to which batsman replies with a flick towards the leg side. The ball is running towards the boundary along the ground…………….

Commentary : Both the striker and the non striker have started running with their maximum efforts across the pitch, trying their level best !!

                                                                                                Fig. Final Last Ball Situation

In the figure above,

v is the velocity of the ball just after the impact with the bat and theta is the angle which the ball makes with the center pitch line.

Commentary : Hey, watch out! What’s happening in here, I just can’t believe what’s happening, Also, with me, my co-commentator friends, audience as well as the players themselves are just completely astonished.

Question Parts :

(a) Why are there only 3 regions in the Maximum Effort Chart of both, striker and non-striker. Are you able to verify, if the                    velocity-time graphs are correct?

(b) In this scenario, can you predict What’s the result of the match!? Also, if you want, you can give some nice commentary as well to describe the situation completely.

(Assume ball to be point mass; there is no friction between ground and the ball )

 Some points from my Side :

I feel that this problem is completely comprehensive based. Hint which I can give is that, Try to Extract the necessary information from the comprehension.  These problems are designed to make you enjoy the subject, enjoy the process while solving. No one is there here to reduce your marks, So solve it without any hesitation !!

I want you to be in that atmosphere as if you are an spectator seeing this match going on in front of your eyes

Solution has been uploaded !! – SOLUTION 

All the very Best !!

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