How to choose LiPo battery ?
We discuss about the procedure to select the correct LiPo battery for our RC Airplane model. The combo of theory + example makes it easier for reader to understand. Enjoy Learning !!
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We discuss about the procedure to select the correct LiPo battery for our RC Airplane model. The combo of theory + example makes it easier for reader to understand. Enjoy Learning !!
Through this article, We try to simplify the procedure of solving the string-pulley constraint relations with the help of a trick. This will help you a lot in your JEE Prep
Learn about the crucial part about the motor + propeller selection. With Theory, an example has been attached for clarity as well. Enjoy learning !!
RC Airplane Series-3 : In this short article, we learn how to tackle the task of designing the airplane for Beginners
GPS, being a very important feature in our phone, it’s important for us to know : How it exactly Works !? This article answers this question in detail without overcomplicating it…
Solution to Cricket Problem- What’s the Result !? A very comprehensive problem and at the same time holds a lot of concepts together in itself.
Get the insight about How exactly the Control Surfaces operate and help in controlling the Aircraft. Understand the related working principles of Physics
A problem on ‘CRICKET’ – One of the most celebrated Sport in India. It includes exciting commentary and you are the one who needs to predict the result of the match !!
Learn about the Science behind the Wings of an Aircraft and What are the different concepts & terminologies involved in it
A problem which teaches us an important lesson as we start solving it. Sometimes it is much better to just wait and observe first before proceeding!