Problem 5 : Vectors On Board

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💎This problem is mainly designed to act as a ‘bridge’ 🌉 between physics students and chess players !!

What I mean by this is that , Physics people need to learn basic chess to solve this, while Chess players need to learn little physics to solve this problem.

Problem Statement :

Two friends decide to play an friendly match. Both of them sit for the match. The following game (given below) has been played on the chessboard by them. The square shaped chessboard has the length of ‘8L’.

Game Notations :

Getting frustrated from the piece loss, player with the Black pieces decides to resign the game and the result of the game is 1-0

Question Parts :

  1. With reference to the game played, find out the displacement vector of the white’s g1 knight after the 7th move from white side has been completed. (Take the origin as the centre of the chessboard)

       2. Does the position of origin matter in the answer of part 1 ?

Assumptions :

Assume the pieces to be point masses and are located at the center of respective squares

(Chess Notations can be observed from figure below)

Solution has been uploaded – SOLUTION

Enjoy Solving !!

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